SEA = Balkans of Asia, here me out
Myanmar: Albania, its infrastructure is shi-.
Cambodia: Serbia, it constantly commit war crimes.
Laos: Bosnia, people dodge landmines just to get to work.
Philippines: Raids comment sections like a Turk.
Thailand: Gay femboy woke like Slovenia.
Brunei: Like Kosovo is a "rip-off" of Albania, Brunei is seen as a temu version of Malaysia.
SEA is the Balkans of Asia. SG and Malaysia are both frienemies—Malaysia wants to raise water prices but still needs SG for tourism. SG and Indonesia are economic allies but also enemies cuz Konfrontasi. Similarly, SG and Malaysia have a love-hate relationship with Indonesia, cuz Konfrontasi. These 3 countries like & hate each other.
Then there's the Makan(Food) War—SG food isn’t great. Indonesians say their food is better, and Malaysians argue that theirs is best.But both indo and malaysians say sg food is ass
Thx for reading my yap.
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